domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2019

The Voice In Fashion

The Voice In Fashion - The Moment Of Truth (2012)

01-The Man WhoS old the
02 - In the heat of the
03 - I Catch My self
04 - Round Your Finger
05 - Moment of Truth
06 - Partner in Crime
07 - Dance of Love
08 - Gates of Heaven
09 - Perfect Lie
10 - Redeem Your self
11- Keep Away from the Heat
12 - Domino Dancing
13 - Keep Away from the Miami

The Voice In Fashion - The Moment of Truth Re-Loaded (2013)

01 - The Voice In Fashion - The Man Who Sold the World
02 - The Voice In Fashion - In the Heat of the Moment
03 - The Voice In Fashion - I Catch Myself
04 - The Voice In Fashion - Round Your Finger
05 - The Voice In Fashion - Moment of Truth
06 - The Voice In Fashion - Partner in Crime
07 - The Voice In Fashion - Dance of Love
08 - The Voice In Fashion - Gates of Heaven
09 - The Voice In Fashion - Perfect Lie
10 - The Voice In Fashion - Redeem Yourself
11 - The Voice In Fashion - Keep Away from the Heat
12 - The Voice In Fashion - Domino Dancing
13 - The Voice In Fashion - Keep Away from the Miami Heat
14 - The Voice In Fashion - The Man Who Sold the World Remixed By the Copan Brothas Brazil
15 - The Voice In Fashion - Lewis Martinee vs the Voice in Fashion In the Heat of the Moment Remixed By Lewis Martinee
16 - The Voice In Fashion - Lewis Martinee vs the Voice in Fashion I Catch Myself Remixed By Lewis Martinee
17 - The Voice In Fashion - Round Your Finger Remixed By Velocity Lab Miami
18 - The Voice In Fashion - Moment of Truth Remixed By WantEd Russia

The Voice In Fashion   Remixid  Specoal

The Man WhoS old the Remix
The Voice In Fashion   Remixid  Specoal Want Ed
The Voice In Fashion  Pertner in Crime Remixid  By Dj Bac & Dj Riva Lima
The Voice In Fashion  Redee Yourself Remix by Jorge Ojeda  miami


01- Give Me Your Love (Extended Mix) (7.24)
02 - Give Me Your Love (Love Mix) 
03 - Give Me Your Love (Radio Mix) 
04 - Give Me Your Love (Give Me Your Bass) (6.29)
05 - Give Me Your Love (Give Me Your Dub) 
07 - Voice In Fashion - Only In The Night (Miami Version)

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