3 The Voice In Fashion - The Moment of Truth Re-Loaded
01 - The Man Who Sold the World
02 - In the Heat of the Moment
03 - I Catch Myself
04 - Round Your Finger
05 - Moment of Truth
06 - Partner in Crime
07 - Dance of Love
08 - Gates of Heaven
09 - Perfect Lie
10 - Redeem Yourself
11 - Keep Away from the Heat
12 - Domino Dancing
13 - Keep Away from the Miami Heat
14 - The Man Who Sold the World Remixed By the Copan Brothas_ Brazil
15 - Lewis Martinee vs the Voice in Fashion_ In the Heat of the Moment_ Remixed By Lewis Martinee
16 - Lewis Martinee vs the Voice in Fashion_ I Catch Myself_ Remixed By Lewis Martinee
17 - Round Your Finger_ Remixed By Velocity Lab_ Miami
18 - Moment of Truth_ Remixed By Want_Ed_ Russia
19 - Partner in Crime_ Remixed By DJ Bac & DJ Riva Lima_ Brazil
20 - Partner in Crime_ Remixed By Dark Phenomenon_ Russia
21 - Redeem Yourself_ Remixed By Jorge Ojeda_ Miami
22 - Redeem Yourself_ Remixed By Tour De Force_ Italy
23 - Domino Dancing_ Remixed By the Copan Brothas_ Brazil